You can submit a report via this link or scan this QR code, which will also take you to the website.
Höegh LNG is now Höegh Evi. Learn more about our evolving role in the industry. Höegh LNG is now Höegh Evi. Learn more about our evolving role in the industry.
SpeakUp® is a third-party service provider enabling you to make a compliance report in complete anonymity, if that is preferred. This is available anytime and can be accessed either via the website, by using the SpeakUp® app, or by phone, without the interference of a human operator.
You can submit a report via this link or scan this QR code, which will also take you to the website.
Download the SpeakUp app in iOS or Google Playstore by scanning the QR code below:
After downloading the app, you will need to set up your own six-digit PIN. In order to reach the HLNG SpeakUp® platform, you can either scan the QR code below or manually enter the code 105734.
SpeakUp can be used for traditional phone calls through the contact numbers specified in this list. Simply dial the phone number for the country that you are located in. When you call, you will be required to mention the organization code for HLNG: 105734
“Reports made through voice messages via the SpeakUp® mobile app or phone are transcribed and translated into English. Sound files are never handed over to HLNG to ensure the anonymity of the reporter.
Important Notice
Höegh Evi will not retaliate, nor allow retaliation in respect of any reports made by individual in good faith. Höegh Evi safeguards the anonymity of all reporters and all data received through SpeakUp is treated confidential.”