Our history

We are proud of our heritage as industry pioneers—a legacy built on trust, excellence and innovation. Through our 100-year company history, we have established a reputation for innovation and operational excellence, adapting to the challenges of a world constantly in motion.  


Leif Höegh & Co. is founded

Spotting an opportunity in the growing oil transportation market, Leif Høegh establishes Leif Höegh & Co. The company soon becomes a well-recognized and respected name in international shipping.


Höegh enters the LPG, market

The shipping company Leif Höegh & Co. diversifies into new market segments.


World’s first LNG carrier of its kind

As first movers within LNG carriers, the company orders a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier named Norman Lady. The vessel is the world’s first LNG carrier with a Moss spherical containment system and is delivered by the Norwegian Moss Rosenberg shipyard. Höegh LNG is born.


An innovative LNG concept

Höegh LNG designs a Shuttle and Regas Vessel, which can transport and regasify LNG. It is based on an offshore mooring concept that uses a turret and flexible riser and buoy solution.


First winterized LNG carriers delivered

Höegh LNG takes delivery of Arctic Princess and Arctic Lady—two LNG carriers specially designed for safe and reliable service in the North Atlantic.


First two Floating, Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) delivered

Höegh LNG takes delivery of its first FSRUs for LNG Import, Neptune and Cape Ann.


Listing on Oslo Stock Exchange

Höegh LNG is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. In 2014, Höegh LNG Partners (a subsidiary of Höegh LNG) is partly spun off and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.


Delivering energy independence to Lithuania

Independence, a new build FSRU, is delivered to Lithuania. It provides energy security, enabling the country to end its reliance on Russian gas, as well as lowering national and regional energy costs.


Höegh LNG is taken private

The company is taken private in a joint venture between Larus Holding (indirectly controlled by the third generation of the Høegh family) and Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners (who manage funds). A merger transaction in 2022 sees Höegh LNG acquire all publicly held common units in Höegh LNG Partners. Höegh LNG Partners is subsequently delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.


Providing energy security to Europe in crisis

Höegh LNG delivers three FSRUs to Germany in record time, replacing a significant portion of the natural gas capacity derived from Russia prior to the invasion of Ukraine. Shortly after the arrival of the German vessels, the Cape Ann is delivered to France. Höegh LNG becomes the largest FSRU owner and operator in Europe.


Piloting the clean energy future

A new strategy is launched, expanding the company’s focus to include clean energy vectors. Höegh LNG announces a hybrid FSRU concept (patent pending). The Höegh Hybrid FSRU utilizes an industrial-scale ammonia cracker onboard the vessel. One tank receives ammonia that is “cracked” into hydrogen, with the other tanks continue processing LNG in parallel.


The vital link to secure transition

Hoegh Evi Logo

The company adopts the name Höegh Evi. The name is a nod to its 100-year legacy and long-term ambition to be a world-leading provider of energy vector infrastructure, passionate about accelerating countries to energy security and transition.

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