Bond documentation

The Oslo stock exchange

Höegh Evi has one bond loan issued and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.  

  • Ticker: HLNG04
  • ISIN: NOK 001 0873755
  • Currency: NOK 
  • Amount: NOK 1,300 million
  • Date issued: 30.01.2020
  • Maturity date: 30.01.2025
  • Interest: 3m NIBOR + 6.00% p.a.

Bond documentation

Report NameAccess
Bond Issue – Prospectus Registration Document 1-9-21View PDF
Bond Issue – Prospectus Securities Note 1-9-21View PDF
New addendum to Bond Loan Agreement 6-21View PDF
Amendment To Bond Loan Agreement 5-21View PDF
Bond Issue Prospectus Registration Document 24-11-20View PDF
Bond Issue Prospectus Registration Document 5-5-20View PDF
Bond Issue Prospectus Securities 5-5-20View PDF
Addendum to Bond Loan Agreement 10-20View PDF
HLNG4 – Bond Loan AgreementView PDF