LNG solutions

Strategic assets for energy security 

Around the world, Höegh Evi is a trusted partner in delivering critical LNG infrastructure. Providing reliable, cost-effective maritime solutions for LNG import, storage and regasification, we serve as a vital link to energy security and independence. 

Lowering emissions

Floating LNG terminals

Höegh Evi’s fleet of Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) is one of the largest and most modern in the industry. An ideal LNG import solution for countries seeking energy security while transitioning to a decarbonized future, FSRUs offer an adaptable, lower emissions alternative to coal and oil. They work by receiving natural gas in a liquefied state, warming it until it transforms back into gas, then delivering it into the national energy supply. These vessels receive natural gas in a liquefied state at low temperatures, store it, and warm it until it transforms into vapor (regasification). The FSRU then delivers the natural gas into the gas pipeline network.


Floating terminals worldwide


LNG carriers


Million average EU households – combined FSRU capacity combined FSRU capacity

Floating solutions have clear advantages to land-based import terminals.



The most adaptable solution available. All critical systems are fully integrated in the FSRU, which can easily be moved or be used as an LNG carrier. Höegh Evis FSRUs are equipped with ammonia-ready tanks and can be converted to a Hybrid terminal for LNG and H2 sendout.


Delivers energy at the lowest possible unit cost. Requires no land footprint and offers lower installed cost and reduced operating expenses of 30-40% compared to onshore terminals.


As the most experienced owner and operator in the market, we use reliable technology and operations to provide energy security in an uncertain world.


We hold the industry record for the fastest project delivery of an LNG terminal. While land-based terminals take four to six years to complete, our fast-tracked floating terminals can be installed and operational in a matter of months.

A balanced energy future

A diversified energy mix 

For many countries, natural gas is a vital part of the energy mix. Gas is a lower emissions alternative to coal and oil and has a wide range of uses – from power production and transport to heating and cooking. It is also used as feedstock in chemical processes to produce fertilizers, hydrogen, plastics, paints and other products. As the world transitions to a diversified energy mix, gas can play a role in supporting renewables by providing greater energy resilience to cover intermittency or peaks in demand.   

LNG’s role in energy security and transition

Natural gas is:

  • A reliable and flexible energy source
  • Converted to electricity and heat to be used by industry and households alike
  • A lower carbon alternative to coal and oil with reduced greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion and improved air quality

Our projects

Delivering energy security worldwide 

We enable any country with a coastline to access global LNG markets. Our critical LNG infrastructure and unparalleled experience allows countries to source and ship LNG globally. The result? An adaptable, secure, cost-effective solution compared to transporting gas via fixed pipelines. Our cost competitive LNG infrastructure provides energy security and independence, enabling the transition to a low carbon future.

Providing stable and sufficient gas supply to Colombia