
Sustainability and ESG 

Höegh Evi is committed to accelerating the energy transition responsibly as a trusted LNG provider and a leading advocate for clean energy solutions. We believe sustainable business is good business, and therefore fundamental to everything we do. 

Enabling a cleaner future

Enabling a clean energy future 

We are deeply committed to supporting the energy transition responsibly, serving as a trusted provider and leading advocate for doing things right. This commitment goes beyond rhetoric. We are taking concrete action to carry out ESG-focused initiatives and integrate them into our culture and practices.


Average CO2-e reduction. Reduction per transported ton-kilometer.


Lost-time injury frequency (LTIF). Below target of 0.7.


Top ESG performance. 100% GRESB rating.


E-waste reduction. Reduction achieved across the fleet.


Cyber security
ranking. Silver level.


Crew participation. In the ‘Safer Together Program’.

Leading change

Our commitment

We are passionate about emissions reduction and leading the energy transition. In the process we will create value for customers, shareholders, employees, and communities, while minimising our climate impact.

How will we achieve this? With an approach that encompasses the wellbeing of people, customers, suppliers and the natural world. Höegh Evi works to drive meaningful progress by collaborating with customers and partners across the value chain. We believe that through leading by example and encouraging collective action, we can make an impactful contribution to a more sustainable future.


We implement a range of sustainable practices to safeguard the environment and minimize our ecological footprint. We have set an ambitious goal to reduce our CO2 emissions by 50% and develop the first net-zero emissions floating storage and regassification unit (FSRU) in operation by 2030.


From labor practices to human rights, stakeholder relations to corporate culture, we are committed to positively impacting society and addressing broader social challenges. 


We uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior, compliance, and risk mitigation across our worldwide operations. 

Maximizing our impact

Our focus areas 


We have prioritized the following seven UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By focusing on the sustainability issues most relevant to us and our stakeholders, we can maximize the impact of our efforts.

SDG 13: Climate action

SDG 13: Climate action

We have set an ambitious goal of reducing our total CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030 (versus 2020 baseline). 

SDG 10: Reduced inequality

SDG 10: Reduced inequality

Höegh Evi is actively encouraging a better gender balance at every level through targeted programs, policies, and partnerships. 

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Safety is our highest priority. Höegh Evi has an unwavering dedication to safeguarding lives and the environment – as reflected in our HSEQ data. 

SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

We prioritize ethical behavior, compliance, and risk mitigation across our worldwide operations. We only do business with those who have comparable standards. 

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

We actively support the transition to a low carbon world while growing our business in a commercially sustainable way.  

SDG 14: Life below water

SDG 14: Life below water

We proactively work to minimize the risk of any harm to marine ecosystems, e.g. equipping new FRSUs with anti-fouling systems and introducing policies to prevent spills to sea. 

SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG 5: Gender equality

We champion equality and diversity and are actively working to improve gender balance and female representation among our leadership, staff and seafarers.


View our sustainability report