Ethics and compliance

As a company with global operations, Höegh Evi faces a variety of local regulations and practices. This requires that we pay great attention to ethical behaviour, compliance and risk mitigation. We consider compliance as responsible leadership and is an integral part of our key strategy enablers.

Höegh Evi reinforces our strict compliance policy from the top down to all employees and business partners. All employees and consultants are required to behave in accordance with our Code of Conduct, which defines our values and standards of behaviour.​

Our focus

A strong compliance culture

A strong compliance culture is essential in Höegh Evi, as it ensures adherence to laws, regulations, and ethical standards. By prioritizing compliance, organizations can create a stable and trustworthy environment for their employees, customers, and stakeholders. ​

2023 compliance at a glance


Overall response rate to 2023 compliance survey with an average favorable score of 87%


Completion rate for code of conduct training with an average score of 84%


E-learning programs and compliance awareness campaigns launched


Completion of anti-corruption training for FSRU port agents


Employees are comfortable raising a concern through the Speak Up line. 89% believe it is safe to speak up


New business partners were subjected to sanctions and compliance screening

A man and a lady are talking about business

Leading compliance standards 

Our compliance programme includes a variety of subjects and activities which aims to strengthen our culture of integrity and compliance.

Our efforts to uphold strong compliance standards include: ​

  • Enhancing processes for sanctions screening and monitoring
  • Improving compliance risk assessment of the ports our vessels call at
  • Signing up to relevant MACN Collective Actions 
  • Implementing compliance awareness campaigns (e.g. incident reporting and whistleblower hotline) 
  • Launching new dilemma-based compliance e-learning courses 

To men doing work on an LNG vessel

Taking action on human rights  

Höegh Evi is dedicated to respecting and promoting human rights across all our operations and supply chains. We take care to identify and mitigate any potential human rights risks. We have established policies and procedures that ensure all our stakeholders are aware of our commitment to human rights and are held accountable for respecting them. Our proactive approach to upholding the highest standards, includes:

  • Improving our human rights impact assessments
  • Developing an integrated transparency report for the Group
  • Continuing to strengthen our processes for greater transparency and sustainability across the value chain
  • Implementing guidelines for internal audits and planning for mitigating actions (as informed by a risk assessment)
A mean in an orange jumpsuit is talking on a walkie talkie

Anti-bribery and corruption

Höegh Evi has a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and bribery. This applies to everyone in our company, including consultants and business partners, regardless of risk or location. We have implemented the following efforts to manage corruption risks in our operations:

  • Signing up to relevant MACN Collective Actions
  • Regular monitoring of slopchest and vessel cash reports
  • Implementing a Gifts and Entertainment Registry​
  • Considering country corruption risk in business partner risk assessments
  • Mandatory anti-corruption training to onshore employees and seafarers
Two men working together

Taking action on cyber security 

Höegh Evi is committed to sustaining and enhancing strong cyber security measures across the company. By integrating the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cyber security framework and carrying out regular partner audits, we ensure transparency and alignment with industry standards. We have a range of measures in place which, together, ensure our resilience against potential cyber threats, such as:

  • Introducing IT systems upgrades onboard vessels
  • Migrating and enhancing IT technical infrastructure
  • Implementing comprehensive employee training programs

Our policies

Our reports

Höegh Evi is an active member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), which provides valuable insights into specific anti-corruption challenges in the maritime industry. As a member, HLNG is committed to implementing the MACN anti-corruption principles.​

For more information, visit the MACN website